Part 75: Ep. 51: Well, It WAS A Nice Suit


Maybe we shouldn't pick the lock when Madame Zoe is standing right there watching us. I mean, she probably wouldn't stop us, but we'd lose style points. We'll wait for a better moment. In the meantime, let's go back to the crystal chamber and look around.

And by 'look around' I mean 'scan for footprints'. Hey, two sets! Sam follows the pink ones first.


... man, I was so hoping for a picture from this one. Oh, well.

The ladyprints go all the way around the crystal stand in a big circle. The green footprints go straight from the door to the stand. Hmm.

Sam follows the green footprints out of the crystal room and down the dusty hall to the staircase, where they fade out, presumably for reasons.

The green footprints pick up again at the base of the stairs, and...

... oh, hell no, we ain't going out there. It's dark! It's a swamp! There are alligators out there! Really! Let's go talk about shoes with Ms. Nicole instead.

Ms. Nicole flounces off and Sam adds his newfound knowledge to his notes.

Let's ask her!

Sam rather ostentatiously makes a note of that.

He's got a point there. Sure, we saw Zoe go into the crystal room earlier, but she took one step in and immediately screamed; she didn't have the time to go on a big circuit of the whole room first. Eh, well, note it down, file it away. As long as we're here, let's ask Madame Zoe to tell us more about the crystal.

For once, not a real science thing!

Carl's come back upstairs while we were talking to Madame Zoe, so let's ask him to shed some light on the subject, too.

All signs point to Gordon! Sam catches up with him downstairs.

Sounds like it could come in handy!

... you... okay there, Trevor?
Also, what does Gordon mean, the 'top' of the library?

That's important! We should write that down.

And since we haven't found a library yet, it must be the room behind the locked door. QED. Sam is a brilliant detective.

However, Sam also apparently has a weird vendetta against books. Instead of breaking into the library, he nuts up and goes out into the dark and fog.

Let's follow the green man's backtrail!

Over the bridge and out through the... well, I guess those aren't front gates per se, but they mark the entrance to the mansion.

A little further on...

Huh. Wild swamp toolbox. There's something you don't see every day. Sam trails the footprints away from the toolbox, and...

Great. Sam backs up and takes a big jump towards the outcropping of dry land. Sam misses.


Anyway, after a couple of unpleasant dousings, Sam manages to follow the footprints over the island, along this fallen tree, and, eventually, back to the front door of the mansion. He's about to go back inside when his phone goes off.

Hooray! We are awesome. Well, okay, we put some Sims in the hospital with rabid-badger bites and some high-schoolers will probably need therapy after seeing Makoto's arms fall off, but we're still awesome. We'll check up on that in a bit.

Looks like whoever left these footprints started in the kitchen!

In fact, at the dumbwaiter!
To sum up: someone came out of the seriously-locked-or-wedged-shut dumbwaiter, left the kitchen, left the house, slunk through the swamp, stopped off at a random toolbox, then went back to the house along the main path. Once back inside the house, they went upstairs to the pedestal in the center of the crystal room, and that's where the path ends.
Anyway, we should make a note of our discoveries.

If we hadn't shaken the dumbwaiter earlier, we'd have had to do that now. But we did, so we don't. Now: how to find the owner of the footprints?

Oh. Like that.


EA Render: Violet
Another of those huge renders from the now-defunct website! I wish I had more of these.